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    Digital Storytelling : Retelling Using Seesaw

    Teacher Name: Mr. Bowen

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

4 Above Standard
3 Standard Met
2 Approaching Standard
1 Area of Concern
Main Events
Student used a combination of Seesaw tools to retell all main events of the story and key details.
Student used a combination of Seesaw tools to retell main events of the story.
Student retold story using Seesaw tools but struggled to identify main events.
Did not attempt to retell story of choice.
Student was able to identify main characters of the story and describe important attributes.
Student identified all the main characters of the story.
Student identified some main characters of the story.
Student was unable to identify any characters of the story.
Student identified and described all settings from the story.
Student clearly identified all settings from the story.
Student briefly identified one setting from the story.
Student did not identify setting in retell
Ask Question
Student asked an opened ended question that allowed for a thoughtful response.
Student asked an opened ended question that allowed for more than one word answer.
Student asked a closed ended question that requires only a yes or no answer.
Student asked a question that did not pertain to the story.
Answer Question
Student responded to question using key details from the story to support response.
Student responded to the question with multiple words.
Student responded to the question with a one or two word response.
Student responded to a question but did not pertain to the question.

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