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    Multimedia Project : ICT4RED Module badges

    Teacher Name: Mrs. Verster

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Lesson plan description
Lesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, Caps alignment and specific outcomes and the lesson implements the given strategy with all tech well descibed
Lesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, Caps alignment and specific outcomes and the lesson implements the given strategy
Lesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, Caps alignment and does implement the given strategy.
Lesson plan is briefly described but I can't quite get what the lesson is about. No Caps alignment.
Badge criteria
All badge criteria is handed in and is accompanied by a detailed lesson plan and uploaded to Google drive.
All badge criteria is handed in and is accompanied by a detailed lesson plan
All badge criteria is handed in
Not all badge criteria is covered
Lesson shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.
Lesson shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.
Lesson uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking.
Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit.
Technology use
Tablets and technology was used in a WOW seamless way and it was a paperless environment throughout with focus on pedagogy.
Tablets and technology was used seamlessly in an innovative way during the lesson
Tablets and technology was used during the lesson in a basic way (Photos, videos)
No technology was incorporated into the lesson except for accessing the material in digital format
All lessons are captured in journal with what worked and what did not work with photos and voice recordings and detailed explanations of what happened before during and after the lesson.
All lessons are captured in journal with what worked and what did not work.
Some evidence of reflective teaching Some journal entries)
No evidence of reflective teaching. (No journal entries

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