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    Vocal Music Performance - Individual : Opera Story Performance

    Teacher Name: Ms. Gertje

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

The beat is secure and the rhythms are accurate.
The beat is secure and the rhythms are mostly accurate. There are a few duration errors, but these do not detract from the overall performance.
The beat is somewhat erratic. Some rhythms are accurate. Frequent or repeated duration errors. Rhythm problems occasionally detract from the overall performance.
The beat is usually erratic and rhythms are seldom accurate detracting significantly from the overall performance.
Student articulates clearly and the text of the music is understandable.
Student articulates the words somewhat clearly and the text can be understood most of the time.
Student is sometimes articulating the words but the text is often not discernible.
Student rarely articulates the words and the text is not discernible.
Breath Support
Student is breathing properly and supporting the tone to the best of his/her ability.
Student is usually breathing properly, but occasionally does not support the tone till the end of each phrase.
Student sometimes breathes properly and only occasionally supports the tone till the end of each phrase.
Student rarely breathes correctly and never supports the tone to the end of each phrase.
Posture and Relaxation
Student stands correctly and sings using a proper singing stance with no visible tension in the throat, jaw, or body.
Student stands somewhat correctly and most of the time demonstrates a proper singing stance with limited tension visible in the throat, jaw, or body.
Student is sometimes standing correctly but often shows tension or improper body position during singing.
Student rarely demonstrates proper posture and singing stance and tension is highly visible in the throat, jaw, and/or body.
Virtually no errors. Pitch is very accurate.
An occasional isolated error, but most of the time pitch is accurate and secure.
Some accurate pitches, but there are frequent and/or repeated errors.
Very few accurate or secure pitches.
Entrances and articulation markings
Secure Entrances. Markings (staccato, legato, slur, accents, etc.) are executed accurately. Rehearsals with accompanist were clearly successful.
Entrances are usually secure, though there might be an isolated error. Markings are usually executed accurately. Rehearsals with the accompanist were successful.
Entrances are rarely secure, but markings are sometimes executed accurately. More rehearsals with the accompanists were likely necessary.
Few secure Entrances. Markings are typically not executed accurately. The student did not prepare to perform and/or did not rehearse enough with the accompanist

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