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    Research Report : 05-80-208 Assignment #1 Rubric

    Teacher Name: Guindon

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Overall Quality of Assignment
Very well-thought out synopsis of ideas presented and insights gained throughout the course are evident.
Good synopsis of ideas presented and insights gained throughout course is mostly evident.
Satisfactory synopsis of ideas presented and insights gained throughout course is somewhat evident.
Synopsis of ideas presented is poor and insights gained throughout course are lacking.
Topic Relevance
Unique approach in presentation of the project. Exceptional effort and all requirements completed.
Some unique characteristics brought to the project. Fulfilled all requirements. Some details could be better defined.
Satisfactory project. Most requirements completed.
Missing requirements.
Creativity and Quality
An exceptional effort. Awesome presentation reflecting effort in research and written presentation. Excellent resources used.
Clean look and effort apparent in research and written presentation. Very good resources used.
Some effort is shown in research and written presentation. Decent resources used.
Appears that very little effort was invested in research and written presentation. Irrelevant or lacking appropriate resources.
Internet Links and Resources
Offers very well thought-out and interesting internet resources. All links accurately direct reader to appropriate resource site.
Offers very good and mostly interesting internet resources. Most links accurately direct reader to appropriate resource site.
Offers satisfactory and somewhat interesting internet resources. Some links accurately direct reader to appropriate resource site.
Insatisfactory and/or uninteresting internet resource. Most links do not accurately direct reader to appropriate resource site.
Professional Writing
Writing is clear, to the point, and very well organized. Thoughts and ideas are expressed coherently and logically. There are no spelling or grammar errors.
Writing is mostly clear, to the point, and well organized. Thoughts and ideas are expressed coherently and logically. There are very few spelling or grammar errors.
Writing is not to the point and somewhat disorganized. Thoughts and ideas are not expressed logically. Spelling and grammar errors are evident but do not affect understanding.
Writing is unclear and disorganized. Thoughts are incoherent or illogical. Spelling and grammar errors affect understanding.

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