Rubric Made Using:
( )
Contribution to Personal or Community Health
(10) Your chosen health topic, thesis, and purpose contribute to relevant scholarly information available on current health issues within personal, community, or global populations and will affect change. The ideas are relevant, important, and engaging, and ultimately your presentation will contribute a positive addition to the field of health education.
(8) Your chosen health topic, thesis, and purpose do not clearly contribute to relevant scholarly information available on current health issues within personal, community, or global populations and will affect change. The ideas are somewhat relevant, important, and engaging, and ultimately your presentation may contribute a positive addition to the field of health education.
(5) Your chosen health topic, thesis, and purpose do not clearly contribute to relevant scholarly information available on current health issues within personal, community, or global populations and will affect change. The ideas are not relevant, important, and engaging, and ultimately your presentation will not contribute a positive addition to the field of health education.
(0) Your chosen health topic, thesis, and purpose to do not contribute anything to the field of health education and are not relevant to his project. Start over.
Health Topic Statement (Content)
(10) There is a clear, well-focused and relevant health topic including a well thought out summary supported by detailed, current, accurate health information.
(8) The health topic is somewhat clear and relevant. Summaries are clear but the supporting information is general.
(5) Health topic is somewhat unclear and irrelevant. Summaries are somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.
(0) Health topic is not clear or entirely irrelevant. Summaries are not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information or not focused on health.
Support for Health Topic (Content)
(30) Relevant, telling, specific, accurate, quality details give the professor important health information that goes beyond the obvious or predictable. The support is focused specifically on the topic and the support is unified and limited.
(25) Supporting details and information are relevant to health topic, but some of the ideas presented are not interesting, not unified, not limited, or current topics for use for the Talk.
(20) Supporting details and information are relevant to health, but very little interesting content is provided and no identifiable key issues present to formulate a Talk.
(0) Nothing interesting or relevant to current health issues posed to support your topic for the Talk. Try again.
Thesis Statement
(20) The thesis statement posed is arguable, limited (so you have depth), unified (specific), exciting, current, as well as is easily understandable and will enable the student to develop an awesome TEDTracy Talk and has a wow health contribution wow factor!
(16) The thesis statement posed is somewhat arguable, limited (so you have depth), unified (specific), exciting, current, and is fairly understandable. It may enable the student to develop an awesome TracyED Talk, but is missing a health contribution wow factor.
(12) The thesis statement posed is nonspecific, non arguable, non limited, non unified, non current, and not easily understandable and provide no health contribution wow factor.
(0) No usable thesis statement posed, try again.
Specific Health Contribution Purpose Statement
(15) The specific purpose of the speech is clear and unmistakable. The speech has clear direction and intention. The specific purpose answers following questions, depending upon your general purpose: What are you informing the audience of? What you are trying to persuade the audience to do? How are you entertaining your audience? What is your focus?
(12) The specific purpose of the speech is somewhat clear and unmistakable. The speech has somewhat clear direction and intention. The specific purpose somewhat answers the following questions, depending upon your general purpose: What are you informing the audience of? What you are trying to persuade the audience to do? How are you entertaining your audience? What is your focus?
(9) The specific purpose of the speech is unclear. The speech has unclear direction and intention. The specific purpose does not answer one of the following questions, depending upon your general purpose: What are you informing the audience of? What you are trying to persuade the audience to do? How are you entertaining your audience? What is your focus?
(0) There is no specific purpose and the purpose does not answer any of the specific purpose questions. Back to the drawing board.
Accuracy of Facts (Content)
(5) All supportive facts are reported accurately and are specific to the topic.
(4) Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately and are specific to the topic.
(3) Most supportive facts are reported accurately and are somewhat specific to the topic.
(0) NO facts are reported OR most are inaccurately reported or not specific to the topic.
Sources (Content)
(5) All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. 3 Sources included in APA not including your textbook or sources provided on the lib guide. (You may cite those as well if you like in addition to your 3).
(4) All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and most are cited correctly. 3 Sources included with APA that needs improvement.
(3) Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. 3 sources included not in APA.
(0) Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Less than 3 sources included.
Grammar & Spelling (Conventions)
(5) Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
(3) Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
(1) Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
(0) Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
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