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    Puppet Show : Stone Soup

    Teacher Name: Ms. Crager

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Puppet Construction
Puppets were original, creative, and constructed well. No pieces fell off during the performance.
Puppets were original and constructed well. No pieces fell off during the performance.
Puppets were constructed fairly well. No pieces fell off during the performance.
Puppets were not constructed well. Pieces fell off during the performance.
Voice Projection
Voices of puppeteers were always audible to people sitting in the back row.
Voices of puppeteers were usually audible to people sitting in the back row.
Voices of puppeteers were sometimes audible to people sitting in the back row.
Voices of puppeteers were rarely audible to people sitting in the back row.
Accuracy of Story
All important parts of story were included and were accurate.
Almost all important parts of story were included and were accurate.
Quite a few important parts of story were included and were accurate.
Much of the story was left out or was inaccurate.
Scenery was creative, added interest to the play, and did not get in the way of the puppets.
Scenery was creative and did not get in the way of the puppets.
Scenery did not get in the way of the puppets.
Scenery got in the way of the puppets OR distracted the audience.
Puppet Manipulation
Puppeteers always manipulated puppets so audience could see them.
Puppeteers usually manipulated puppets so audience could see them.
Puppeteers sometimes manipulated puppets so audience could see them.
Puppeteers rarely manipulated puppets so audience could see them.
Play was creative and really held the audience's interest.
Play was creative and usually held the audience's interest.
Play had several creative elements, but often did not hold the audience's interest.
Play needed more creative elements.
Each student participated and his/her own task.
Each student participated but did not get his/her own task.
Most students participated with his/her own task.
Very few students in the group participated and only few people had a task.
Students incorporated at least three interesting questions for the audience to answer during the show.
Students incorporated less than three interesting questions for the audience to answer during the show.
Students incorporated less than three questions, which were uninteresting for the audience to answer during the show.
Students did not incorporate any questions for the audience to answer during the show.

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