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    Genetics Webquest: Making Minions

    Teacher Name: Loofborough

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Exceeds Expectations - 10
Meets Expectations - 7
Approaches Expectations - 5
Accuracy & Completion of Minion Offspring
Genotypes & phenotypes of both parents and offspring are clearly and accurately defined including probability.
Genotypes & phenotypes of parents and offspring are defined including probability. Some information unclear or inaccurate.
Genotypes & phenotypes of parents and offspring are defined including probability. Some information is inaccurate or missing.
Accuracy & Completion of Follow Up Questions
All questions in the Google form are answered thoroughly & accurately with appropriate use of vocabulary terms.
All questions in the Google form are answered. Most questions are answered accurately with acceptable use of vocabulary terms.
Most questions in the google form are answered. Some answers are inaccurate or present unclear use of vocabulary terms.
Understanding of Content & Vocabulary
All information from the WebQuest is clearly and accurately recorded in notebook including relevant vocabulary.
Most information from the WebQuest is accurately recorded in notebook including relevant vocabulary.
Some information from the WebQuest is recorded in notebook including relevant vocabulary. Some is missing, inaccurate, or unclear.

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