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    Newspaper : Understanding the Holocaust Project

    Teacher Name: Ms. weissman

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Primary Sources Were Effectively Used
Reading of primary source material was thorough and effectively used in project.
Reading of primary source material was fairly thorough and was used in project.
Reading of primary source material was incomplete and not effectively used in project.
Reading of primary source material was not done or showed little information
Who, What, When, Where & How was answered by the student
All articles adequately address the 5 W\\\\'s (who, what, when, where and how).
90-99% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\\\\'s (who, what, when, where and how).
75-89% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\\\\'s (who, what, when, where and how).
Less than 75% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\\\\'s (who, what, when, where, and how).
Student Demonstrated Knowledge of the Subject
All students in the group can accurately answer all questions related to a) stories in the magazine and b) technical processes used to create the newspaper.
All students in the group can accurately answer most questions related to a) stories in the magazine and b) technical processes used to create the newspaper.
Most students in the group can accurately answer most questions related to a) stories in the magazine and b) technical processes used to create the newspaper.
Several students in the group appear to have little knowledge about the facts and the technical processes used for the magaziner.
Contributions of Group Members
Each person in the group has contributed at least two articles and one graphic without prompting from teachers or peers.
Each person in the group has contributed at least one article and one graphic with a few reminders from peers.
Each person in the group has contributed at least one article with some minimal assistance from peers.
One or more students in the group required quite a lot of assistance from peers before contributing one article.
Articles - Purpose
90-100% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic.
85-89% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic.
75-84% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic.
Less than 75% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic.
Articles - Supporting Details
The details in the articles are clear, effective, and vivid 80-100% of the time.
The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 90-100% of the time.
The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 75-89% of the time.
The details in more than 25% of the articles are neither clear nor pertinent.
Articles - Interest
The articles contain facts, figures, and/or word choices that make the articles exceptionally interesting to readers.
The articles contain facts, figures, and/or word choices that make the articles interesting to readers.
The article contains some facts or figures but is marginally interesting to read.
The article does not contain facts or figures that might make it interesting to read.
Spelling and Proofreading
No spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper.
No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper.
No more than 3 spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper.
Several spelling or grammar errors remain in the final copy of the newspaper.
Layout - Columns
Columns are neatly typed in the \\\\"justified\\\\" type style. There are adequate and consistent \\\\"gutters\\\\" between all columns and articles. A glance at the newpaper makes you think \\\\"professional.\\\\"
Columns are neatly typed. There are adequate and consistent \\\\"gutters\\\\" between all columns and articles. A glance at the newpaper makes you think \\\\" fairly professional.\\\\"
Columns are typed. There are adequate \\\\"gutters\\\\" between most columns and articles. It is easy to read, but looks somewhat nonprofessional.
Columns are not neatly typed and/or \\\\"gutters\\\\" are not adequate, so newspaper is somewhat difficult to read.
Layout - Headlines & Captions
All articles have headlines that capture the reader\\\\'s attention and accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. All graphics have captions that adequately describe the people and action in the graphic.
All articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. All graphics have captions.
Most articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. Most graphics have captions.
Articles are missing bylines OR many articles do not have adequate headlines OR many graphics do not have captions.

Date Created: April 30, 2014
Date Last Modified: May 08, 2014

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