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    Multimedia Project : Discovery Board Builder Teacher

    Teacher Name: Education

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Completeness and Accuracy
Message of the board is clear and accurate. The concept shared is easily understood. Applies the concepts in real-world scenarios. Provides students with supporting information to scaffold understanding of the concept. Correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Message of the board is clear and accurate. The concept shared is easily understood. Applies the concepts in real-world scenarios.
Message of the board is clear and accurate. The concept shared is NOT easily understood. Applies the concepts in real-world scenarios.
Message of the board is NOT clear and accurate. The concept shared is NOT easily understood.
Video Quality
The video(s) included on the board are clear, accurate, engaging, and entice the viewer to watch more than once.
The video(s) included on the board are clear, accurate, engaging, and entice the viewer to watch more than once.
Most video was visually clear and included information that would help students understand relevance to concept.
No video was used on the board.
Audio Quality
Audio was clear and understandable. All audio selections (audio w/video or stand-alone audio) were level without adjusting device volume.
Audio was clear and understandable. Volume had to be adjusted for some selections.
Most audio was clear and understandable. Some audio was louder than other and /or needed volume increased.
No audio was used on the board.
the board has an appropriate title. A color scheme was followed. Background patterns are attractive. The board shows proper layout and use of space.
The board title does not correlate well with topic/concept. A color scheme was followed. The board layout has unused space.
The board title does not properly identify concept or topic. Color scheme was not consistent. The layout is confusing with little visual flow.
The board has no title and no color scheme was followed. The board has poor layout with no visual flow. There is unused space on the board.
All images are of high quality.
Images were well used, but may not all be of the highest quality.
Images were used when appropriate.
Spaces were left empty where images may have been useful.
Searchable Terms
Eight or more very relevant terms, specifically found in the language of the SOL associated with this topic were used on the board and used as tags for the board.
Eight or more terms specifically found in the language of the SOL associated with this topic were used, but one or more obvious tags were not.
Between four and seven terms from the SOL were used as board tags. Description of board does not aid in understanding of board purpose.
Less than four terms were used as board tags OR board description is inadequate to convey board purpose.
Runs Properly
Board runs on all device in the division. The board has been verified to run on iOS and Android mobile devices. Board has been verified to function properly on Windows and Apple computers running Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browsers.
The board runs on all devices in the division.
The board runs on division devices but some elements do not function as expected.
The board has difficulty with some functioning as expected on some division devices.
Board thumbnail grabs viewer's attention and once opened layout entices viewer to investigate aspects of board.
Unique elements in thumbnail grab viewers attention but once opened common board layout is found.
Unique elements in thumbnail grab viewers attention.
Nothing special stands out or grabs the eye of the viewer.
Original content included images, audio, video and/or the incorporation of third party apps (ie: iMovie, Educreations, FX Studio, etc.)
Original content included images and audio/video.
Original content was used but limited to images and audio files.
No original content was used on board.

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