Rubric Made Using:
RubiStar ( )

    Invention Convention : Science Fair Experiment

    Teacher Name: RubiStar Rubric

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Data Collection
Data was collected several times. It was summarized, independently, in a way that clearly describes what was discovered.
Data was collected more than one time. It was summarized, independently, in a way that clearly describes what was discovered.
Data was collected more than one time. Adult assistance was needed to clearly summarize what was discovered.
Data was collected only once and adult assistance was needed to clearly summarize what was discovered.
Independently identified a question which was interesting to the student and which could be invented.
Identified, with adult help, a question which was interesting to the student and which could be invented.
Identified, with adult help, a question which could be invented.
Identified a question that could not be tested/invented or one that did not merit invention.
Each element in the display had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the invention. All items, diagrams, graphs etc. were neatly and correctly labeled.
Each element had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the invention. Most items, diagrams, graphs etc. were neatly and correctly labeled.
Each element had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the invention. Most items, diagrams, graphs etc. were correctly labeled.
The display seemed incomplete or chaotic with no clear plan. Many labels were missing or incorrect.
Student provided a detailed conclusion clearly based on the data collected.
Student provided a somewhat detailed conclusion clearly based on the data collected.
Student provided a conclusion with some reference to the data collected.
No conclusion was apparent OR important details were overlooked.

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