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    Designing and Making An Instrument : Making and playing egg shakers

    Teacher Name: Mr. Masiya

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

4 - Above Standards
3 - Meets Standards
2 - Approaches Standard
1- Below Standard
Written Plan
Steps and materials were outlined in a fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional explanations. No teacher help was needed to accomplish this.
Steps and materials were outlined in a fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional explanations. Some teacher help was needed to accomplish this.
Steps and materials were outlined in a fashion but had 1-2 gaps that require explanation even after teacher feedback was given.
Plan was seriously incomplete or not sequential even after teacher feedback.
Construction Materials
Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better for the purpose.
Appropriate materials were selected.
Most of the construction materials were appropriate, but 1-2 were not.
Construction materials were not appropriate for the purpose.
Instrument is decorated creatively within the assigned theme.
Instrument is decorated attractively.
Instrument is decorated, but sort of messy looking.
Instrument is not decorated OR is very messy.
Quality of Sound
Instrument offers a wide dynamic and/or tonal contrast.
Instrument offers some dynamic and/or tonal contrast.
Instrument offers little variety in sound.
Instrument offers no variety in sound.
Presenter speaks loudly and clearly. Instrument is visible to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the process for making it is described clearly.
Instrument is shown to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the process for making it is described clearly. It was hard to hear the presenter.
Instrument is shown to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the presenter describes a few of the steps of making it.
Instrument is shown to class and is named. The student cannot describe the process used to make it OR cannot demonstrate it.
Knowledge Gained
Student can accurately answer 5 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it.
Student can accurately answer 3-4 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it.
Student can accurately answer 1-2 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it.
Student cannot accurately answer questions.

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