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    Literature Circle - Listening and Sharing : Mr. Herr's Class Dialogue

    Nombre del maestro/a: Mr. Herr

    Nombre del estudiante:     ________________________________________

Respects Others
Student listens quietly, does not interrupt, and stays in assigned place without distracting fidgeting.
Student listens quietly and does not interrupt. Moves a couple of times, but does not distract others.
Student interrupts once or twice, but comments are relevant. Stays in assigned place without distracting movements.
Student interrupts often by whispering, making comments or noises that distract others OR moves around in ways that distract others.
Participates Willingly
Student routinely volunteers to discuss and willingly tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student volunteers once or twice and willingly tries to all questions s/he is asked.
Student does not volunteer answers, but willing tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student does not willingly participate.
Follows Along
Student is on the correct topic and is actively listening.
Student is on the correct topic and usually appears to be actively engaged, but loses focus occasionally.
Student is on the correct topic and seems to follow along occasionally.
Student is on the wrong topic OR displays body language showing that s/he is clearly not interested in getting back on topic.
Provides Text Evidence
Refers to the evidence (text, video, song, or poem) on multiple occasionns in conversation.
References the text, video, song, or poem at least once in conversation.
Does not reference disussion text.
Does not refernce discussion text.

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