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    MITE6328 Group & Individual Assignment Part1

    Teacher Name: Dr. BobFox

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

ePortfolio of Activities
The student has clearly evidenced successful completion of all the tasks set in the module in the group blog to a high standard
The student has clearly evidenced successful completion of all the tasks set in the module in the group blog to a satisfactory standard
The student has evidenced completion of tasks set in the module in the group blog to a satisfactory standard
The student has not not clearly evidenced successful completion of all the tasks set in the module in the group blog to a satisfactory standard
ePortfolio Design and Navigation
The group blog is very well designed and is easy to navigate to find individual student contributions
The group blog is quite well designed and is generally easy to navigate to find individual student contributions
The group blog is has some good design elements and is OK to navigate to find individual student contributions
The group blog has some design and navigation problems
Links to Relevant Resources
The group blog includes an excellent collection of links and resources relevant to weekly topics and to organisational learning in general
The group blog includes a good collection of links and resources relevant to weekly topics and to organisational learning in general
The group blog includes a satisfactory collection of links and resources relevant to weekly topics and to organisational learning in general
The group blog does not include a satisfactory collection of links and resources relevant to weekly topics and to organisational learning in general
Individual Student Activity
The student was very active in commenting on the ePortfolio items of other group blogs
The student was active in commenting on the ePortfolio items of other group blogs
The student offered some comments on a few of the ePortfolio items of other group blogs
The student offered a few or no comments on the ePortfolio items of other group blogs
Group Collaboration on Key Tasks
Group members evidenced excellent capabilities in gathering, synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating information to form an accurate picture of the current situation in member's identified workplaces.
Group members evidenced good capabilities in gathering, synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating information to form an accurate picture of the current situation in member's identified workplaces.
Group members evidenced satisfactory capabilities in gathering, synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating information to form an accurate picture of the current situation in member's identified workplaces.
Group members were not able to evidence individual capabilities in gathering, synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating information to form an accurate picture of the current situation in member's identified workplaces.

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