Rubric Made Using:
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Proper paragraph structure
Paragraph has topic sentence, 3 supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
Paragraph has 2 of 3 required elements.
Paragraph has 1 of 3 required elements.
No attempt was made to include paragraph stucture elements.
x 1 /3
Spelling and Punctuation
There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the paragraph.
There 1-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the paragraph.
There are 3-4 spelling and punctuation errors in the paragraph.
The paragraph has more than 4 spelling and punctuation errors.
x 1 /3
3 of 4 sentence types used
3 of 4 sentence types used.
2 of 4 sentence types used.
1 of 4 sentence types used
0 of 4 sentence types used.
x 1 /3
Paragraph is neat and student took pride.
paragraph is able to be read but student mildly rushed.
paragraph is able to be read but student took little time.
student took little if no time to complete task. Paragraph is sloppy and rushed.
x 1 /3
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