Rubric Made Using:
RubiStar ( )

    Ship Trap Map : Map

    Teacher Name: RubiStar Rubric

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Clarity and Neatness
Map is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn that another student could create the presentation if necessary.
Map is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions.
Map is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Map is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Map included all required elements accurately as well as at least one extra detail.
Map included all required elements accurately.
Map included all required elements.
One or more required elements was missing from the map.
All details are labeled with clear and easy to read labels.
Most details are labeled with clear and easy to read labels.
Some details are labeled.
Only one or two details are labeled.
Visual Presentation
The map is colorful and visually appealing.
The map has different colors for different details.
The map is mostly done in pencil or pen, but has a couple of colors added to it.
The map has little or no color to it.
The student was observed using his/her time wisely and put forth a great deal of effort.
The student was observed using his/her time wisely and put forth effort.
The student used some of his/her time wisely and put some effort into the project.
The student did not use his/her time wisely and did not put forth effort.

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