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Rubric Made Using:
( http://rubistar.4teachers.org )
Students select an appropriate topic quickly and independently. The teacher(s) never has to provide any support or direction to the group.
Students select an appropriate topic quickly and independently. The teacher(s) rarely have to provide support or direction to the group.
Students select an appropriate topic, but require some support or direction from teacher(s) to do so.
Students find choosing an appropriate topic difficult. They require frequent direction and support from the teacher(s) in order to complete this task in a timely fashion.
Careful notes are collected from all sources used in an extremely organized format. Information is put into the students' own words, or proper quotation format is used (where necessary).
Careful notes are collected from most sources used in an organized format. Information is usually put into the students' own words; proper quotation format is generally followed (where necessary).
Some notes are collected from sources used, and are in a relatively organized format. Most information is put into the studetns' own words; proper quotation format is sometimes used (where necessary).
Few notes are collected from sources and are poorly organized. Information is sometimes put into the students' own words; very little attempt is made at using proper quotation format (where necessary)
Students have chosen information from a variety of sources and formats. All sources used have been cited appropriately.
Students have chosen information from several sources. Most sources used have been cited appropriately.
Students have chosen information from a few sources. Some attempt has been made at citing sources appropriately.
Students have used a very limited number of sources to research their topic. Very little attempt has been made at citing sources appropriately.
Students have created a sufficient number of quality clues which meet the criteria discussed in class. Clues are at an appropriate difficulty level (not too easy/not too hard).
Students have created a sufficient number of clues which satisfactorily meet the criteria discussed in class. Clues are usually at an appropriate difficulty level (not too easy/not too hard).
Students have made an attempt to create clues which meet the criteria discussed in class. Some clues are at an appropriate difficulty level, but others could have been more carefully selected/created.
Students have few clues in their presentation which meet the criteria discussed in class. Few clues are at an appropriate difficulty level - they are either too obvious or are too complex.
Visual Presentation
Students' videoconference presentation is creative, clever, and well-planned. It is very evident that the students put a considerable amount of time and effort into preparing their presentation. The project format is appropriate for the videoconferencing medium.
Students' videoconference presentation is nicely structured and well-planned. It is evident that students put time and effort into preparing their presentation. The project format is adequate for the videoconferencing medium.
Students' videoconference presentation is satisfactory. Students have put some time and effort into preparing their presentation. The project format works for the videoconferencing medium, but another choice may have been better.
Students' videoconference presentation is generally unsatisfactory. Students have spent little time preparing and practicing for their presentation. The project format does not work well with for the videoconferencing medium.
Voice Quality and Body Language
During the presentation, voice (volume, tone, inflection, pace) is used for great effect. Student uses appropriate posture, eye contact and gestures consistently throughout the presentation.
During the presentation, voice (volume, tone, inflection, pace) is used effectively most of the time. Student uses appropriate posture, eye contact, and gestures most of the time during the presentation.
During the presentation, voice (volume, tone, inflection, pace) is used effectively some of the time. Student uses appropriate posture, eye contact, and gestures some of the time during the presentation.
During the presentation, voice (volume, tone, inflection, pace) is rarely used effectively. Student uses little, if any, eye contact. Posture and gestures are inappropriate for a presentation of this nature.
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