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    Digital Storytelling : podcast

    Teacher Name: osuna

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Storyboard is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled and drawn that another student could create the presentation if necessary. Inlcudes roots, background, occupation, impacts on hispanics, impacts on US
Storyboard is eary top read and most elements are clearly written, labeled and drawn. Another student might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions.
Storyboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Storyboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presntation lots of questions.
Has at least 4 sources of information. Includes a list of all sources used with the storyboard. Uses a variety of sources such as internet, newspaper, and books. Site sources of quotes and pictures used.
Has 3 to 4 sources of information. Includes a list of most of the sources used. Uses some variety of sources, yet tends to use one source predominately.
2-3 sources of information is used. Some souces, picture and quotes are sited, but many are not. No variety of sources.
Only one source used. Maybe be sited, but quotes and pictures are not sited.
Explicately discusses the impact the person or issue has had on the United States as well as the impact on the Hispanics living in this country.
Explains impact of the person or issue on the US and Hispanics, but information is incomplete or not clearly explained
Explanation of impact is hard to understand or incomplete.
Does not clearly present the impact on the US or Hispanics. Gives false or irrelavant impacts.
Point of View - Awareness of Audience
Strong awareness of audience in the design. Students can clearly explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.
Some awareness of audience in the design. Students can partially explain why they felt the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.
Some awareness of audience in the design. Students find it difficult to explain how the vocabulary, audio and graphics chosen fit the target audience.
Limited awareness of the needs and interests of the target audience.
Point of View - Purpose
Establishes a purpose early on and maintains a clear focus throughout.
Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for most of the presentation.
There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly clear.
It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the presentation.
Excellent use of technology. Keeps in mind the titles, fonts, colors, pictures are professional looking. It is apparent that much thought and planning went into the look and music.
Good use of technology. Most of the presentation looks professional and time and consideration were put into the titles, fonts, pictures and music.
Ok use of technology, but the presentation lacks a professional look. Little time and thought were put into the over all look.
Basic use of technology yet presentation is not professional looking. Presentation shows little thought or planning about the over all look.

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