Rubric Made Using:
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R - Redo
Chord Progressions: A "The Verse"
Eight measures, using I, IV and V chords. Must begin and end on the tonic
Followed two of the preceding rules.
Only one of the specifications was followed.
None of the rules for creating the verse were followed. Must be redone
Chord Progression: B "The Chorus"
Eight measures, may use all chords in the Major scale following the rules on the progression handout.
Followed two of the preceding rules.
Only one of the specifications was followed.
None of the rules for creating the verse were followed. Must be redone
Intro, Bridge and Coda
The intro and coda are 2-4 measures, the bridge is 5-6 measures and does not end on the tonic
Two of the three sections are the correct length and the bridge does not end on the tonic
One of the three sections is the correct length and the bridge may or may not end on the tonic
The rules for the se sections were not followed (or not done at all) and must be redone
A-B-A Form
Each section of the A-B-A form consists of 8 measures. The second A section is a variation of the original A section.
Two of the 3 sections are in A-B-A form consisting of 8 measure. The second A section is the same as the first A section.
One section of the A-B-A form consists of 8 measures. All sections were very similar in sound with limited variation.
The A-B-A form was not followed and the project needs redone.
Overal Performance
The composition was creative, clean/easy to read, and included all required elements.
The composition was somewhat creative and legible. Most of the required elements were included.
The composition was very basic and somewhat legible to read. At least half of the required elements were included.
The composition was not complete, and very difficult to read. Under half of the required elements were included. Project will needs to be revised.
Music Score
Music Score is very neat and all required elements are included: Song Title, Composer Name, Roman Numeral Chord symbols and chord names for selected keys. Sections must be labeled
Music score is neat. Two or less of the required elements are missing from the musical score.
Music score is legible. Three to four of the required elements are mising from the musical score.
Music Score is illegible and many of the required musical score elements are missing.
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