Rubric Made Using:
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Needs Improvement
Student is always prompt and regularly attends class.
Student is late to class once every two weeks, but regularly attends class.
Student is late to class more than once every two weeks, but regularly attends class.
Student is late to class more than once a week, and/or has poor attendance of class.
Student never displays disruptive behavior during class.
Student rarely displays disruptive behavior during class.
Student occasionally displays disruptive behavior during class.
Student almost always displays disruptive behavior during class.
Play Format
Play format was used in the writing of the script.
Play format was somewhat used in the writing of the script.
Play format was rarely used in the writing of the script.
No play format is evident in the writing of the script.
Characters/ Scenery
Characters and scenery match the script, and the artwork is done very neatly.
Characters and scenery match the script, but the artwork could be more carefully done.
Characters and scenery somewhat match the script, and the artwork is messy.
Characters and scenery do not match the script, and the artwork is unfinished or sloppy.
Digital Camera
Student can run and operate the digital camera by himself/herself.
Student can run and operate the digital camera with a partner.
Student has never run or operated the digital camera, but shows interest.
Student shows no interest in learning how to operate the digital camera.
Creating CD
Student was able to burn CD and apply label.
Student needed a partner to burn CD and apply label.
Student needed someone else to burn CD and apply label.
Student was not present enough to burn own CD and make label.
Student created voice and character movements that were outstanding.
Student used voice and character movements effectively.
Student was unsure of character voice and movement.
Student used voice and character movements ineffectively.
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