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    Research Report : SRRI Research Paper

    Teacher Name: Cornwell

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Content 50%
Well reasoned thesis; Student demonstrates full knowledge of the topic (more than required). clear and specific examples; makes excellent points; clearly states her opinion and explains how the paper is connected to current society.
Thesis fairly well written; Student seems to be at ease with content, but fails to elaborate in some sections; makes an attempt to state her opinion but it is not clear and/or the connections to current society are not clear.
Thesis is not very clear. It is difficult to see if the student is at ease with the content. Student makes no attempt to state her opinion OR does not make any connection to current society.
Thesis is not clear or no thesis; Student does not show a grasp of the content. It is hard to understand the paper; Student makes no attempt to state her opinion AND does not make any connection to current society.
Organization 25%
Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Almost all paragraphs have clear topic sentences, supporting ideas, and a conclusion when appropriate; There is excellent use of transitions; Lots of sentence variety; all sentences discuss topic; no unclear sections
Reader has some difficulty following the work because student jumps around in some sections. Topic sentences very clear with only 1 or 2 paragraphs missing topic sentences; most paragraphs have clear supporting ideas and conclusions (when appropriate) (1 or 2 missing); Most sections have transitions; most sentences discuss the topic; Good sentence variety; 1-3 unclear places
Reader has great difficulty following the work because of organizational problems. Several Topic sentences are not appropriate or are missing (3 to 5 paragraphs have problems; many paragraphs (3-5) do not have supporting ideas or conclusions (when appropriate); Few transitions; very simple sentences; 4-5 unclear places. Poor sentence variety
Reader cannot follow the work. Very little or no organization. More than 5 paragraphs have problems with topic sentences or are missing supporting ideas and conclusions (when appropriate). Ideas are not connected and no use of transitions; Over five unclear places; No sentence variety
Mechanics 10%
No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.
Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
APA / Works Cited 10%
Work cited displays the correct number of references, written correctly. All references appear in the body of the paper
Work cited is missing 1 or 2 required references; minor problems with references formatting; one or two references are missing from the body
Work cited is missing more than two required references; major problems with references formatting; more than two references are missing from the bod
No title AND no page numbers and and several (more than two) formatting problems i.e. no space between running head and page number, spacing problems i.e. too wide margins, too large font, etc.
Formatting 5%
The paper has a clear title and all pages are numbered
The title is fairly clear and pages are numbered but there are one or two formatting problems i.e. no space between running head and page number, spacing problems i.e. too wide margins, too large font, etc.
No title or no page numbers and several (more than two) formatting problems i.e. no space between running head and page number, spacing problems i.e. too wide margins, too large font, etc.
No title AND no page numbers and and several (more than two) formatting problems i.e. no space between running head and page number, spacing problems i.e. too wide margins, too large font, etc.

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