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Evidence of teen violence and justice
It had a lot of violence and justice for teens. I told my friends to see it, and I saw it twice!
I thought about the play after I saw it.
There is a fight and a trial but there is no reason for the fight and not enough evidence to create a trial.
Didn't make sense to have a fight or a trial. No action, just boring!
Student Effort ( amount of time and energy put into the play)
students cooperate with each other. Student come everyday to class and gives 100%!
Student tries his/her best. Dedicates his/heself to the group.
Doesn't work hard enough. Little effort demonstrated.
Student is lazy and sleeps while others complete the task.Student lacks determination in completing the play!
Student cooperation & participation
Play was put together by everyone involved. Everyone helped and used teamwork.
Most people cooperated a little bit Others talked to friends about things unrelated to the play.
Half of the students participated and half did not. Some students will be left out of the process.
Complains about everything. Fails to participate. Student has low attendance and bad behavior.
good acting skills
Knows what they are doing. Student is confident while writing and performing. Participates very well.
Tries and makes a good effort into participating in the activity.
Student tries to participate but they are not giving 100% effort.
Constantly forgets lines. Not convincing in role. Not emotional and does not fit the character assigned.
relevant & adequate info on topic
Backed up main idea with adequate information for the audience to understand.
Play stays on topic throughout the performance.
Drifts from topic to topic without purpose.
Play is completely
off topic and has nothing to do with teen violence and justice.
It was so good that I gave it two thumbs up, five stars and a bravo at the end! I would also recommend this play to all my friends!
The play was so good, I talked about it on the way home.
Iwouldn't recommend it to my friend. It was okay. Nothing to write home about.
I wouldn't recommend this play to my dog Spot! This play was so boring I fell asleep.
moral or lesson learned
Sent an excellent message to the audience that teens and adults can learn from.
Sends a message to the audience about the outside world and the consequences faced if we do something wrong.
I was confused about the message or the moral I was to learn.
There was no lesson or moral learned in the play. What was the point of this crazy play?
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