Rubric Made Using:
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Needs Improvement
Content: Accuracy
All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors.
Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate.
The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate.
Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error.
Content: Type of Disorder
Condition identified as sex-linked, dominant or recessive and a detailed explanation why it is this type is made.
Condition identified as sex-linked, dominant or recessive and a brief explanation why it is this type is made.
Condition is identified as to type, but no explanation is made.
No reference made to the genetic disorder's type.
Content: Symptoms & Treatment
Many symptoms and treatments options provided using understable terms. Original Work.
Several symptoms and treatments options given. Mostly original work.
A few symptoms and treatment options provided, understanding of information is not established.
Minimal number of symptoms and treatment options given. Unoriginal work.
Oral Presentation
Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.
Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention.
Delivery not smooth, but able to able to hold audience attention most of the time.
Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost.
General Organization
Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. 6x6 format applied to all slides.
Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. 6x6 format applied to most slides.
Content is logically organized for the most part. 6x6 format applied occasionally.
There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. No 6x6 format
Sequencing of Information
Information is organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next card.
Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One card or item of information seems out of place.
Some information is logically sequenced. An occasional card or item of information seems out of place.
There is no clear plan for the organization of information.
Spelling and Grammar
Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1-2 grammatical errors but no misspellings.
Presentation has more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling errors.
Text - Font Choice & Formatting
Font formats (e.g., color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability.
Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read.
Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material.
Use of Graphics
All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation.
A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation.
All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation.
Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation.
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