Rubric Made Using:
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Technology Usage
Demonstrate opening Excel, entering words and values into cells. Then select, graph, and save to disc their choice independently.
Demonstrate opening Excel, entering words and values into cells. Then select, graph, and save to disc their choice independently with minimal(2 to 3 times) teacher help.
Demonstrate opening Excel, entering words and values into cells. Then select, graph, and save to disc their choice independently with minimal(3 to 5 times) teacher help.
Demonstrate opening Excel, entering words and values into cells. Then select, graph, and save to disc their choice independently with one on one teacher help
Social Studies
Response to all tasks on the WebQuest is done completely and independently.
Response to tasks on the WebQuest is done with minimal (1 to 2 times) assistance from the teacher.
Response to tasks on the WebQuest is done with some(3 to 4 times) assistance from teacher.
Response to tasks on the WebQuest is done with one on one support from teacher
Language Arts
Response to writing activities is with sentences and a detailed picture.
Response to writing activities is with a picture and 3 to 5 words.
Response to writing activities is with a picture and 1 to 3 words.
Response to writing activities is with a picture and no written words.
Successfully shares project with their peers independantly.
Successfully shares project with their peers, with minimal (1-2 prompts) teacher help.
Attempts to share project with their peers, with moderate (3-5 prompts) teacher help.
Cannot share project with their peers, without one to one teacher help.
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