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    Math - Problem Solving : SPECIAL NEEDS MATH HOMEWORK

    Teacher Name: Mr. SLOSS

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Mathematical Concepts
Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written.
Mathematical Reasoning
Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning.
Uses effective mathematical reasoning
Some evidence of mathematical reasoning.
Little evidence of mathematical reasoning.
Mathematical Errors
90-100% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
Almost all (85-89%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
Most (75-84%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.
More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors.
Use of Manipulatives
Student always listens and follows directions and only uses manipulatives as instructed.
Student typically listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives as instructed most of the time.
Student sometimes listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives appropriately when reminded.
Student rarely listens and often "plays" with the manipulatives instead of using them as instructed.
Working with Others
Student was an engaged partner, listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout lesson.
Student was an engaged partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively.
Student cooperated with others, but needed prompting to stay on-task.
Student did not work effectively with others.
Explanation is detailed and clear.
Explanation is clear.
Explanation is a little difficult to understand, but includes critical components.
Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included.
The work has been checked by two classmates and all appropriate corrections made.
The work has been checked by one classmate and all appropriate corrections made.
Work has been checked by one classmate but some corrections were not made.
Work was not checked by classmate OR no corrections were made based on feedback.
Neatness and Organization
The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read.
The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.
The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.
The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.
Diagrams and Sketches
Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and greatly add to the reader's understanding of the procedure(s).
Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and easy to understand.
Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat difficult to understand.
Diagrams and/or sketches are difficult to understand or are not used.
All problems are completed.
All but one of the problems are completed.
All but two of the problems are completed.
Several of the problems are not completed.
Mathematical Terminology and Notation
Correct terminology and notation are always used, making it easy to understand what was done.
Correct terminology and notation are usually used, making it fairly easy to understand what was done.
Correct terminology and notation are used, but it is sometimes not easy to understand what was done.
There is little use, or a lot of inappropriate use, of terminology and notation.
Typically, uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Typically, uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently.
Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems.

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