Rubric Made Using:
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Level 1: Awareness
Level 2: Introductory
Level 3: Intermediate
Level 4: Proficient
General Technology Use
I seldom use technology in school to help me accomplish tasks and assignments.
I sometimes use technology at school to accomplish tasks and assignments.
I usually use technology and it can do most of the things I want it to do.
I can do most everything I need to do with the help of technology.
Communication Tools
I seldom use technology tools to help me communicate what I know and learned with others.
I sometimes use technology tools (email, word processing, presentations) to communicate with others.
I usually use technology to demonstrate what I know or have learned with others.
I frequently communicate with others using a variety of technology tools.
Problem Solving
I seldom use technology to solve problems.
I sometimes use technology to help me solve problems.
I can use technology resources to help solve problems
I frequently use technology to access resources to solve a variety of problems.
I seldom use technology to save, format, or share my findings or projects.
I feel comfortable presenting my findings or projects in a single program such as a word processor.
I can use more than one type of media (text, graphics, sound...) with in a project or task.
I can use a variety of elements from a number of applications (Internet, Graphics, Word Processor and Presentation Software).
I seldom seek information or use resources like Pioneer that are available online.
I sometimes with help can find information from online resources.
I usually use online resources to locate information and can conduct simple searches.
I frequently use online resources to help me find exactly what I need.
Ethical Issues
I'm not aware of any ethical issues with computers.
I'm aware of some ethical issues such as copyright, and copying software that apply to computers.
I understand the district rules regarding computer and Internet use.
I model ethical use of computers and software and others know how I feel about this issue.
I haven't yet learned to keyboard but can type a little bit.
I know where most of the keys are and am learning some techniques to help me type correctly.
I know the keys by touch and can correctly type copy (from another source).
I frequently use keyboarding techniques on the computer and can type at a minimum of 15 w.p.m.
Internet Safety
I don't know any Internet safety rules.
I know some Internet safety rules.
I know and follow some of the Internet safety rules when I am online.
I know and follow most of the Internet safety rules and can teach them to others.
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