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    Newscast - Presentation and Planning : SEL Academic Mini Unit

    Teacher Name: Ms. Moreno Calix

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Recalling Part (I)
Educators completed the Quizalize training.
Educators completed a portion of the Quizalize training.
Educators have not completed the Quizalize training.
Number of Lessons (3)
The mini unit consists of at least 3 lessons within the taught academic discipline
The mini unit has less than 3 lessons within the taught academic discipline
The educator has not submitted a mini unit at all or it is significantly incomplete.
Socioemotional Learning (SEL) Integration
Every lesson within the unit contains an SEL component.
The use of SEL components in the unit is inconsistent.
There are no SEL components in any of the lessons.
TEKS/ Department Standards Alignment
Each lesson is academically based and aligns with the TEKS. In the case of courses do not have TEKS, the lessons align with the standards set by the academic department.
The alignment of lessons with the TEKS/academic department standards is inconsistent.
There is no alignment between the lessons and the TEKS/academic department standards.
All lessons contain an element of technology exhibiting a new technology trend or approach.
Some lessons contain elements of technology exhibiting a new technology trend or approach.
The use of technology is absent in all lessons.
Academic Department Expectations
The lessons align and are consistent with the academic expectations set by the academic department.
Some lessons align and are consistent with the academic expectations set by the academic department.
No lessons align with the academic expectations set by the academic department.
Campus Mission/Expectations
The lessons align and are consistent with the campus mission and SEL expectations.
Some lessons align with the campus mission and SEL expectations.
No lessons align with the campus mission and SEL expectations.
The educator has shown a level of effort and creativity in the creation of each lesson that goes above and beyond.
The educator has shown a level of effort and creativity.
The educator has shown little to no effort or creativity in the unit creation.

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