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    The Crucible Review Presentaton

    Teacher Name: Dr. White

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

A-- (91-100)
F--(69 and below)
Excellent claims and quotes. All aid significantly in our understanding of the story.
Good claims and quotes. Most aid in our understanding of the story.
Adequate claims and quotes. Some aid in our understanding of the story, but one or two questionable points.
Below average claims and quotes. Many do not aid in our understanding of the story.
Unacceptable quality of claims and quotes. None aid in our understanding of the story.
Grammar and Mechanics
Few to no errors in grammar and mechanics.
A few minor errors in grammar and mechanics.
A few significant errors in grammar and mechanics.
Several significant errors in grammar and mechanics.
Numerous errors in grammar and mechanics interfere with the flow of ideas.
Excellent teamwork. All members of the team were focused and productive in class.
Good teamwork. Most classtime was focused and productive.
Adequate teamwork. The team completed the task, although some time was not productive.
Fair teamwork. Work was not equitably shared and/or not productive.
Many team members did not contribute to the project and/or were often off-task.

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