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Rubric Made Using:
( http://rubistar.4teachers.org )
Social Conscience
Show no social conscience or balance when deliberately distorting factoids, data, or expert opinion in presenting a conclusion.
Accuratly quotes experts, data, and facts, but on only one side of an issue.
Carefully checks all sources, accurately quotes experts, examines all sides of the issues when making conclusions.
Media Manipulaation
Skillfully use any medium and all persuasive techniques in order to convince others. This includes the ability to use technology to doctor images and edit text.
Uses a variety of media to present images and text that support only their opinion without intentionally altering or editing to change meaning.
Skillfully use media to present an accurate and balanced picture that helps viewers understand the issues and draw their own conculsions.
Point of View
Consistently, vociferously, and blindly hold to a single point of view, and know that volume, repetition and rhetoric trump reason.
Consistently hold to a single point of view until such time that it becomes advantageous to flip-flop for no reason other than personal gain or to save face.
Presents a confident point of view based on reason, reseach, and analysis, but is open to discussion and modification of position based on reasoned input based on research and analysis by others.
Convincingly fake sincerity.
Unconvincing fake sincerity.
Completely sincery.
Ably disguise personal gain as public good
Doesn't disguise personal gain motive and shows no concern for the public good.
Motives are not for personal gain and has genuine concern for the public good.
Economy of Source
Takes a single incident or news story or incident and intentional follow it to an illogical conclusion.
Takes a single incident or news story or incident and unintentionally follow it to an illogical conclusion
Uses multiple incidents or news stories and follows them to a logical conclusion.
Claim any and all ideas as original.
Carelessly claims ideas as original.
Even when coming up with what is thought to be an origianl idea, research is done to see of others had it earlier.
Deny prior knowledge of things that predicatbaly go wrong.
Blames others when things go wrong for which they have primarly responsibility.
Accepts blame if things go wrong and works to rectify the situation.
Create a website, wiki, blog, or podcast. Find a publisher, broadcaster or corporate sponsor in order to maximize personal gain.
Create a website, wiki, blog, or podcast, but not able to find a profitable publisher, broadcaster or corporate sponsor.
Create a website, wiki, blog, or podcast and find a publisher, broadcaster to help disseminate the message. If corporate sponsorship is used, profits go to the public good.
Never, never, never show doubt or willingness to change.
Never show doubt and give no indication whether you are open to change.
Shows conviction in your position. Seeks additional information and input. Willing to change and compromise.
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