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    Create Rubrics for your Project-Based Learning Activities

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If you do not click the Submit button within 40 minutes, the system will not be able to keep your data. If you feel that you require more time, please go ahead and Submit part of your data. Then you can choose to save your rubric online and you may return to this page in the editing mode to continue working on it.

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If you followed a link or bookmark to this page, then it is possible that you are reading this message because this page was accessed directly. Please try returning to this template rubric via our Customize Rubric Menu.

You may still wish to try making a rubric, but be advised that your data may not be saved correctly. Please fill in some testing information below and try making simple rubric to test your browser's functionality with RubiStar.

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Rubric Description
Here is a list of the people who contributed to the creation of this rubric template. hide/show
Esta rúbrica es una contribución de:  Dr. Holvoet
Esta basada en las rúbricas de las siguientes personas:
1. Ms. Kelliher: RubiStar Rubric #1003725
2. Mr. Makuch: RubiStar Rubric #1101172
3. Ms. Swenson: RubiStar Rubric #1116957
4. Ms. Danilewicz: RubiStar Rubric #1105387
5. Ms. Wawrow: RubiStar Rubric #1127549
6. __ Higgins: RubiStar Rubric #1015323

Esta rúbrica fue traducida por E. Acuna
La misma fue enviada el: Feb 24, 2005

Rubric Information
Your Name:

First Name:
Last Name:

Rubric Project Name:
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Zip Code:
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Demonstration Rubric?

If you would like to keep your rubric for more than one week, please select the permanent option from this pull-down menu.

Creating and Editing Your Rubric
Here are some quick steps to help you create your rubric. hide/show
  • You can edit the Rating Scale (4,3,2,1) by entering in your values for each Column Heading.
  • Use the pull-down menu in the first row to select the category you want to appear first in your rubric. Then, choose the pull-down menu in the second row to select the second category.
  • You don't have to use all the categories. If you do not use some categories, there should be blank rows at the bottom of your rubric that read "- Please Choose -" in the pull-down menu.
  • If you wish to have your own customized Rubric Rows, simply leave the drop-down menu to read "- Please Choose -" and enter in a new rubric row name into the text field. Next, supply the content in each of the text area boxes for that particular rubric row.
  • You can edit the rubric by making changes (add text, change text, delete text) in the text area boxes in any row. Note that if you change one box, you will probably want to make similar changes in the other boxes in that same row.
  • When you are done customizing your rubric, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.
  • You will be able to print, download your rubric, or make your rubric available online. If you decide to save it, you will be asked to register or log-in. There is no fee for this.


If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





If you don't like the text in the box above, you can use the text box below to rename a category or type in a new category name.

You may add or modify content in the rubric text boxes to the right:





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