Role Playing Scenario for Global Warming and Ozone Depletion

Scenario: A Congressional Committee has been formed to investigate the depth of the global warming and ozone depletion. On the basis of their findings, they will vote to either present the bill to the rest of Congress or let it die in their committee. This bill, #1567, is to ratify the Kyoto Treaty, thus binding the United States of America to the agreements of the treaty.

Jobs of the Players: The committee members are to generate questions to specific members of the panel of experts and activists to determine the depth of the problem. Therefore, committee members need to be aware of each of the panel’s areas of expertise plus have an in-depth knowledge of the parts of the Kyoto Treaty.

Panel of Experts: Each expert or activist needs to have an in-depth knowledge of their area. They need to be prepared to expand upon and to defend their statements to the committee based upon the questions asked by the committee members. Panel experts need to have some knowledge of the various parts of the Kyoto Treaty since they know that certain questions may directly involve the treaty itself. The Panel member’s goal is to persuade the neutral member of the committee to their point of view thus insuring the favorable vote for the treaty or deadlocking the committee two for and two against. The chairperson votes in the event of a tie. They must do this without changing the opinions of the other three members of the committee.

Committee Members:

  1. Committee Chairperson: A Senior member of Congress with about a 60/40 record of voting in favor of environmental issues.
  2. Committee member #1: A Senior member of Congress with about an 80/20 record of voting in favor of environmental issues. Has voiced some favorable statements concerning the Kyoto Treaty already.
  3. Committee member # 2: A Senior member of Congress with about a 5/95 record of voting against environmental issues.
  4. Committee member # 3: A Junior member of Congress known for “swing” voting.
  5. Committee member # 4: A Junior member of Congress. Very new. Voting record unknown.

Panel of Experts:

  1. Atmospheric Expert-30 years experience. Multiple doctorates.
  2. Concerned Private Citizen
  3. Environmentalist-Greenpeace activist
  4. Meteorologist -studies weather patterns on a global scale.
  5. Industrialist-CEO of Ford
  6. Business owner of an energy company
  7. Small business owner- owns a dry cleaning company
  8. Wise Use member
  9. Scientist-ice expert-10 years in Antarctica
  10. Scientist-ocean expert-worked with Jacques Cousteau
  11. Medical M.D.-specialist in breathing disorders
  12. Agriculturalist-specialist in crop production



  1. Each person will submit to the teacher a bibliography which details from where his or her information is derived.
  2. Each person will submit to the teacher a folder containing their notes and any articles taken from the Internet in preparation for the presentation.
    1. The folder is to be a paper folder with fold tabs. Do not use black or dark colored paper folders.
    2. Each folder needs to have “Kyoto Treaty Presentation” on the front cover along with the student’s name.
    3. All items in the folder need to be either typed and printed off or neatly handwritten. Messiness will not be tolerated.
  3. Each person will find the Kyoto Protocol Treaty using the following link:
  4. Each person will run off this treaty.
  5. Each person shall read and highlight those areas that pertain to their role or area of interest.
  6. Each person is to also include at least four Internet articles on the history of this treaty and at least two Internet articles that show where its status is today.
    1. The history articles must be no older than 1997 and no later than 2000.
    2. The current status of the treaty articles may be no older than the year 2000.
  7. Committee members will submit their list of questions in addition to the above. The main job of the committee members is to anticipate what the Panel will be presenting and frame their questions accordingly.
    1. Questions must clearly state to which member of the panel the question was given.
    2. There should be three questions for each Panel member even if those questions are not used during the presentation.
  8. Members of the Panel of Experts must submit additional supporting evidence concerning their area of expertise even if the committee members did not explore those areas.
  9. During the presentation, each member of the Panel will be given three minutes to make prepared opening statements. These statements will be included in their folder to be submitted. The statements need to include:
    1. Who they are and what their area is.
    2. A body wherein they outline the problem as they see it.
    3. Two reasons why the committee needs to recommend that the USA ratify the treaty.
  10. After opening statements, the committee will have five minutes to question the Panel Expert.
  11. Be aware that going over your time of presenting and questioning is not as bad as not using the minimum time allotted.
  12. When not being questioned by the Committee, remaining Panel Experts must be quiet and attentive. Experts may be working on their notes, but just like in a real Congressional hearing, distractive behavior will not be tolerated.
  13. Presentations will be scored on a rubric that you will be shown prior to the presentation.
Note: This assignment sheet is being used by the High Plains R*TEC with the special permission of its creator, Darlene Vandever. Reproduction of this page is acceptable as long as this note is included.